How we are run
How does the Academy run?
Mother Touch Academy is a registered with Department of Basic Education as a Creche and Educare facility. We offer classes from Grade 000 to Grade R and our five teachers are qualified and all have Level 1 First Aid Certification. In addition, we have two classes dedicated to babies and toddlers under 3 years old.
All our classes follow the Department of Basic Education syllabus designed to best prepare your child for starting Primary School. The syllabus aims to provide children with the best possible early childhood development content and cultivate the skills they will need later in life.
Nominal school fees are charged per child, but these do not cover our monthly expenses. In addition to the monthly stipend received from the Department of Basic Education, we are reliant on donations from our sponsors. We also maintain a large vegetable garden which supplements our kitchen and daily cooked meals provided to learners.
Should you wish to contribute towards Mother Touch Academy in any way please see our Donate, Sponsor a Child or Wishlist pages, or email us directly at
Mother Touch Academy offers children a loving, caring environment, one where they feel comfortable. Our number one priority is to ensure your little one feels safe, secure and happy!